
Who am I?

I am a proud Canadian artist who makes unique Lichtenberg Designs on natural materials such as wood or bone. I have been making these pieces for several years, and recently decided to make them available to the public. Each unique art piece is perfect for special events, display at home, your cabin, or as a gift.

Contact me at artedelrayo@gmail.com to discuss your next piece.

What are Lichtenberg Designs?

Lichentenberg designs, also known as fractal burning, is a unique and highly dangerous craft.

The term Lichtenberg comes from the German physicist who discovered them, Georg Christoph Lindenberg. Lichtenberg figures are natural phenomena typified by their branching, tree-like fractal patterns.

I create these patterns in my art through a process known as fractal burning. Fractal burning is a highly dangerous art form, banned by the American Association of Woodburners from being used by its members. Using a custom high-voltage device built by myself, I literally sear the pattern into the wood or bone using arcing patterns of electrical current. There is much more to the process than that, but that summarizes it at a high-level. Much like each piece is unique, each artist’s device and process is also unique, creating truly original, functional, works of art that will not be found anywhere else.